Barclay Centre403-233-7007 250, 444 – 7th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 0X8
Bow Valley Sq403-234-7557 310, 205 – 5th Avenue SW

Calgary, Alberta, T2P 2V7

Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS / Dry Needling)

The diagnosis and treatment of myofascial pain syndromes when there is no obvious sign of injury or inflammation

Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS / Dry Needling)

Intramuscular stimulation (IMS), also referred to as dry needling, can help with acute and chronic pain. 

When you’ve had acute or prolonged repetitive trauma, nerves can become sensitized. Previously harmless signals become exaggerated, causing the muscles they supply can become painful. Inserting fine acupuncture needles into the shortened muscles stimulates them to twitch, and then relax. Applying an electrical current to the needles may help very resistant areas to relax. 

After needling, you may experience 24-48 hours of discomfort – similar to the feeling following deep massage or a good workout. 

Talk to your Physiotherapist to ensure you are an appropriate candidate for dry needling, and it's appropriateness for your rehab!

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